“Trust is an oasis in the heart that is never reached by the caravan of thought.”

Intuitive leadership

At management level, we work even more often without sufficient facts than in management – because we are not dealing with factual issues (which machine should I buy and should I buy one at all or would it be better to have it produced outside?), but with people issues. Here, too, I have to decide, but also guide and lead and motivate – and for this I have to know who this person is, what are his wishes, abilities, ideas, what does he think, what can he really do (many people often don’t really know this about themselves)? Does he fit into the team, how can I motivate him on a personal level and how can I tell him “no” sometimes, which he experiences as support and not as rejection? Many already know these topics in everyday life from seminars. You learn techniques that are certainly helpful. But do these techniques always fit and is there not something complementary, more individual? Here, too, active intuition comes into play. Intuitive leadership offers the active possibility to let oneself be guided by inner intuitions: to learn what is the royal road in the current situation – or how to create situations that enable optimal leadership. For example, you want to hire a new employee: You have to decide to hire a person without really knowing him or to turn down a person without really being able to assess him.
Intuitive leadership opens up active access to information that does not even exist in the present time – this is the level on which we should lead, work and live.
Intuitive guidance enables decisions to be made for the highest good of others and oneself. Intuitive leadership can be applied in many ways, both professionally and privately. Professionally in dealing with employees, privately in relationships with family, extended family, with children and friends. A wonderful training ground for intuitive leadership is pubescent adolescents – an opportunity to practice giving direction. Intuitive leadership sees reality, supports life through recognition and wisdom, and through this leads to success.
Intuitive leadership offers us the opportunity to understand people in their whole being, to support them and to lead them inspirationally.