“Every creative scientist depends on intuition.”

Intuitive creativity

Creativity comes from being relaxed. When we compulsively exert ourselves, when we are in effort and stress mode, creativity is dramatically reduced. Intuitive creativity is by no means limited to art and music – in business it is called “ideas”, ideas, possible solutions.
Strictly speaking, intuitive creativity is a combination of intuition and inspiration.
The level of inspiration has yet another extended quality. It could be called the “giver” of the revolution, the level from which the “spiritual renewal” emerges. Creative ideas are not “thought up”, they arise in the subconscious and unconscious, where intuition and imagination come from, the inner inspirations. You have surely experienced that you search for solutions in vain, postpone the topic for the time being – but in relaxation, solution suddenly comes in the form of an intuitive inner intuition or in the form of a random event that wakes us up or inspires us. Often we can master difficult situations after that. So the information is there, but mostly only passively, i.e. it comes and goes rather randomly once you are relaxed. When you have intuition actively available, you can achieve much more effective and efficient creativity. Through intuitive creativity you have active access to solutions, imaginations, ideas, fantasies, to spirituality, to innovations, to the great depths of your consciousness. Inventions arise from intuitive creativity. Intuitive creativity offers you a playful, relaxed and successful life.
Creative ideas are not “thought up”, they arise in the subconscious and unconscious.